1. Do you ignore health and safety warnings whenever possible?
2. Do you regularly engage in a deadly battle between your brothers/ sisters?
3. Do live on a planet that will be incinerated by expanding stars called the sun?
4.If you're in a blender with TNT and someone is about press the blend button?
5.If you are stuck in math class and the door/ windows are bordered up?
6. Does your teacher look at you every second with a smirk quietly coming closer while smacking their ruler on their hand?
you get a point for every answer "yes"
3-6 you are doomed. you will love this book.
1-2 you are doomed. you will love this book.
0-0 you are obviously confused if you live on planet earth, I'm pretty sure you should have answered yes to question 3. you are doomed. you will love this book